
What I Do

What am I Doing?

My husband and I are currently starting a multimedia production company called People Media. We will be making documentaries that celebrate unique cultures and communicate truth about complicated circumstances in the world. Our vision is to create projects that make a lasting positive impact on oppressed, obscure or disappearing people groups. This will be achieved by giving them a platform for their voices to be heard and an opportunity for their stories to be told in order to foster a greater understanding of their humanity.

We are currently in preproduction for our first documentary project, and we hope to move into production by the end of 2011.  We are building our team, gathering equipment, and doing all the gritty details that add up to successfully filming a documentary. There will be more information to come, but when our first project is finished, a major world issue will be shown in a whole new, and more personal, light. Our website is coming soon!

What Are We Doing Right Now?

We are currently living in the beautiful and culturally rich Cairo, Egypt, teaching English and living an adventure!