
20 February 2009

I named this blog rain drops for many reasons. I like rain, I like how its refreshing and brings life, how its part of a cycle that doesn’t end, and because it must be fun to be a raindrop flying down from the sky. Rain drops make me imagine glorious, long awaited thunder storms in the rocky mountains, massive monsoons in Thailand that burst from skies that were blue moments before and flood everything in seconds, gentle misty rain in the mystical German woods, flooded streets in Burma, and dark nights in back streets in China. Rain is one of a few things that tie all my travels, adventures and misguided walks together. It is something that is bigger then me, that every single tiny part making up the whole is important, and reminds me that I am one in a million, like a rain drop. And so are you.

The purpose of this for me is to put up art and writing that I do all the time but no one ever sees, and even if no one reads or looks at on here either, I feel that it is something I need to do right now. To document this part of the journey of life I am in right now, and to help me enjoy watching it unfold even though it is a slower season. I am determined to make the most of these days and fill them with as much joy for others and myself as I can. And maybe it will be a way for me to feel more connected to the friends that are sadly so far away, and to new ones closer by.